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Since 1952
we have been the voice of private, independent schools, colleges and universities at the State House. MANSC represents members’ interests, advocates on their behalf with lawmakers, and informs members about bills that threaten their independence and economic security.

HomeMembership Benefits

Membership Benefits

MANSC’s annual membership drive is currently under way.  Renewal notices have been sent to members, and downloadable membership forms are conveniently located on the MANSC Web site,, under Membership.

As part of MANSC, you will learn about issues of concern to nonprofit schools and colleges in Massachusetts and help promote the interests of your school at the Statehouse.

MANSC members receive:
  • Regular reports and position statements about proposed bills that affect nonprofit schools and colleges
  • News about activities within the executive branch of Massachusetts government
  • Bulletins on the status of important legislation and calls for action by member institutions
  • Helpful information on the economic importance of MANSC members to their communities and useful tips on how to improve ties with local communities
  • Articles of interest on issues facing nonprofit schools and colleges in Massachusetts
MANSC members also have the opportunity to meet with key legislators and government leaders who are guests at board meetings and our Government Relations Meetings.

In these face-to-face meetings, members can share mutual concerns about important issues and learn the inside story on what’s happening on Beacon Hill.  The personal relationships that begin at these meetings can be of lasting benefit to their institutions.

All of these benefits are available at a low-cost dues structure that has remained level for the past several years.

For more information about membership, please contact MANSC President Gwen Pojasek at (781) 314-0836 or