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Since 1952
we have been the voice of private, independent schools, colleges and universities at the State House. MANSC represents members’ interests, advocates on their behalf with lawmakers, and informs members about bills that threaten their independence and economic security.

HomeMembership Information

Membership Information

The true strength of MANSC lies in the size and scope of our membership.  The more schools, colleges and, universities that are members, the greater our impact.
We also recognize that a flat rate for dues may result in a financial hardship for smaller institutions.  Therefore, MANSC uses a sliding scale based on institutional enrollment to fairly apportion our low-cost dues:

100 students and under     $   125
101-200 students                      200
201-300 students                      300
301-600 students                      500
601-1,000 students                   800
1,001 or more students           1,000