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Since 1952
we have been the voice of private, independent schools, colleges and universities at the State House. MANSC represents members’ interests, advocates on their behalf with lawmakers, and informs members about bills that threaten their independence and economic security.

HomeThe Role of MANS&C

The Role of MANSC

Since its founding in 1952, MANSC's mission has been to represent the interests of nonprofit schools, colleges and universities at the Massachusetts State House.  Our volunteer board of directors and legislative counsel:
  • Monitor proposed and pending legislation and regulations that would affect our members
  • Inform the members and develop actions or strategies to address important legislation and regulations
  • Represent MANS&C at legislative, administrative and committee hearings and in personal meetings with legislators and officials at all levels of state government
Many organizations represent individual institutions or interest groups on Beacon Hill. MANSC has had unparalleled success through the years in representing a unique group – private independent schools, colleges and universities in Massachusetts. No other statewide organization has such a broad constituency.

Communicating with Members

MANSC directs communications to presidents and heads of school, chief financial officers, business managers and governmental affairs officers of our member institutions. These leaders usually are charged with legislative and regulatory compliance and assessing the financial implications of public policies and programs.

Through email, the MANSC website, LinkedIn and the MANSC Newsletter, members receive:
  • Regular reports about new legislation that affects our institutions
  • News about activities within the executive branch of Massachusetts government
  • Bulletins on the status of important legislation and calls for action by our institutions
  • Information on our members’ economic importance to our communities and useful tips on how to improve local ties
MANSC members also have the opportunity to meet with key legislators and government leaders who are guests at board meetings and our Government Relations Meetings. Face-to-face meetings are the best way to share our mutual concerns about important issues and to develop personal relationships that can be of lasting benefit to our institutions.