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Since 1952
we have been the voice of private, independent schools, colleges and universities at the State House. MANSC represents members’ interests, advocates on their behalf with lawmakers, and informs members about bills that threaten their independence and economic security.

HomePresident's Letter May 2018

President's Letter

Dear Members,


Last month’s newsletter discussed PILOTs, a way for municipalities to get

around tax exemptions for property owned by nonprofits. This month we

focus on the Dover Amendment. Every session, lawmakers propose

legislation which threatens the financial stability of our member institutions.

However, MANSC has a proven track record and nearly 70 years of experience

to draw on when it comes to defeating bills.


Legislative Counsel John J. Spillane began analyzing the huge number of bills filed in the opening weeks of the new session on Beacon Hill and identified the potentially problematic ones. He will follow each bill through the two years of the current session, testify at hearings and keep members informed if and when we need to take action.


MANSC would like to invite you and your summer camp teams to a Zoom webinar featuring members of the DPH Epidemiology team. There will be a presentation followed by a Q&A session. It is scheduled for Thursday, May 6th at 12PM and sign-up is through our website. This event is free and open to all.


We are also pleased to announce the addition of Fred Colson, Director of Finance of Belmont Day School, as a member of the Board of Directors. Fred has dedicated his career to educational finance as well as directing the operations of nonprofit groups.


MANSC’s annual membership drive is coming up.  We urge our institutional and sponsorship members to renew their membership and nonmembers to join us.  If you’re a member of another organization, consider this:  you’ll be doubling your influence on Beacon Hill by becoming a MANSC member, too.

Best Regards,
Gwen Pojasek
MANSC President